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What sparks the moose rut?

  Darren   Aug 14, 2014   Uncategorized   Comments Off on What sparks the moose rut?


What sparks the moose hunt is all biological. It does not matter what the current air temperature is, estrus will start and the bulls will rut and tend their cows. Some hunters believe the rut is triggered by a cold snap or frost. What if we did not get any cold weather? Would the moose not breed in that year? Or if the cold came two months late…would calves be born in the summer?

 Moose are extremely affected by heat stress and will seek thicker areas of the forest to escape it. Studies have shown the adverse effects of heat will cause the moose to reduce their movements to stay cool. If warm temperatures prevail during the estrus season, the moose will move at the coolest times of the day…before sunrise and after sunset. If you want to find moose during these warm times, be prepared to work harder than when it is cold. Not only will moose restrict their movements, they will be less vocal. If it is warm during the rut, moose hunters will be more successful if they go deeper into the cool forest to find game.

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(This has been excerpted from Moose Hunting Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Moose Hunting).

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