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Using a moose shoulder blade to imitate an antler

  Damon Clarke   Nov 24, 2014   Uncategorized   Comments Off on Using a moose shoulder blade to imitate an antler



A good moose hunting trick is to use an old shoulder blade to imitate an antler. This is one of the oldest tricks in the book but do not be fooled into thinking that all you have to do is scrape a few trees and moose will magically come running to you. You must begin to think and act like a moose. It is true that you cannot call bull moose during the early season using estrus calls but it is just as true that during the early season bull moose are attracted to one another. During the early season (any time before the rut) bull moose are trying to rid themselves of the velvet that protected their antlers while they grew.


Use this to your advantage. When approaching your hunting area or when you are set up, use the shoulder blade to imitate a bull rubbing his antlers. You do this by rubbing the blade up and down willow bushes or against tree bark. Make lots of noise, break some branches because moose are big animals and they make lots of noise too. Don’t forget to listen. Sometime after a bull moose hears another bull he will respond by one or two means, sometimes both. He may also thrash his antlers against a bush to let his rival know he is not alone. A bull may also grunt. He will not run away though, not unless he suspects you are not a moose. If you are on the move and walk slowly, continue to make thrashing noises as you go. If a bull moose is in the area you may be able to walk right up to him. Why? Because he thinks you are a moose, therefore he does not need to be afraid.


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Source: Moose Hunting Tips: The Ultimate Guide to Moose Hunting.

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